Friday, July 20, 2007


Lucy and I are currently tied up ... our kids wanted to play cops and robbers... guess who got to be the robbers??? As soon as we get the knots worked loose we'll be back.

In the meantime a few tidbits ( sorry but typing with my big toe is quite laborious):

I heard that the Prez challenged Congress to "support the troops" and give them what they need. I just hope that Ms. Pelosi heard and she'll start the impeachment proceedings toot sweet.

And filed under "Isn't It Ironic?", I found it highly interesting that the President and the MSM are telling us that the troops want to stay and that they don't want to "cut and run" and yet Ron Paul, a man who has been steadfastly against this President's hawkish insanity from the beginning, has received 52% of his campaign donations for his presidential run from active duty military. Seems like those soldiers must've misplaced Dub's memo.

Concerning the former Surgeon General's testimony that he was not only blocked from discussing health issues that were in conflict with Georgie's policies, told not to attend the Special Olympics because *sniff* that odious Kennedy family was affiliated with that organization, but that he was also ordered to mention the President's name three times on every page of each speech he gave. I've got to say that this wasn't much of a surprise. I mean is it much of a reach to imagine that a man who even has his socks and skivvies monogrammed with the presidential seal would be megalomaniacal enough to make such a demand?? Shoot, I'll even lay odds that he's got a big ol' magnifying glass hanging above the presidential urinal.

I could keep going but my foot is turning blue... and we think we hear them coming back...gulp.


Wayward Son said...

I wrote Nancy and told her the impeachment was, indeed, on the table. It's right under that stack of papers on her desk called the Constitution.

Michael Bains said...

Too bad teh National Guard is perverted to the war in Iraq, sounds like y'all could use their help.

Hope your kids didn't catch you via illegal wire-taps. Good luck!

Durward Discussion said...

Nice of you to drop by for a visit before the yunguns tied you up. Given the President's medical procedure this morning, we are laying odds the doc may find his head. We know he left the tiny brain with Rove & Cheney

Cellophane Queen said...

Glad to see you're back. Don't stay away so long!

Women on the Verge said...

Thank you,we've missed you all too!!

As far as the President's procedure this morning I'm not sure what all the fuss was about. Cheney was still in control, but it was just someone else's hand up the Presidential arse...


TomCat said...

Ethel, you have been sorely missed!

Regarding his procedure, the found his head up there, along with McCain's nose.

Hurry back!

two crows said...

I've found all sorts of 'what's up the prez's ass' games out there.
I'm still holding to the belief they'll find the noses of _all_ the Senators who held forth Tuesday night about how the US troops want to be in Iraq and how much the Iraqis want us to stay, etc. etc. etc.

the biggest blockage, though, is Saxby Chambliss [R-GA] who recommended ignoring the words of the president of Iraq and listening to the privates in the army who, according to the Chambliss WANT to stay in Iraq. but it's not just his nose in there. he has climbed body-and-soul up GW's ass.

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

Good job typing with that toe. Just think, if you are ever kidnapped and tied up and held for ransom, this newly discovered talent may just save your life!

savannah said...

good luck, sugar...these kids today have mad skillz ;)
but seriously...i just want a wake up from this nightmare....i mean, hell, it works on tv ;)

pissed off patricia said...

Are you sure you aren't just kidding about being tied up? That was a damned good post to have been typed by just one toe.

Seems the war just keeps on keeping on and the dead soldiers are yet coming home. The criminal in chief has some bad mistic Karma coming his way. If I were Laura (and god, there's no chance I would have married that stupid SOB that she calls her husband) I would pack and get the hell out of dodge.

david mcmahon said...

G'day from Australia,

I followed your link from the inimitable Bart's blog. Seen your comments on a few blogs that I visit - and decided it was time to say hello.

Trouble with semi-colons? Maybe I can help; you never know when you could use the knowledge; know what I mean; they're handy to use!

Keep smiling


Durward Discussion said...

Do we need to send a posse or are you still enjoying bondage?

Mando Mama said...

Greetings women! Where did summer go? :-( Sounds like you've been making the most of it. (I'm thinking if we all send our kids to Washington, they might have things straightened out in a hot minute.)

I was sure that when they did W's procedure they'd find his own oversized head up his ass. Alas, just a few random non in situ polyps. Darn it.

Enjoy these last few days before the insanity starts again.

Gene Bach said...

If you folks want that dumbass Pelosi to come to your home state we here in California would be more than happy to package her sorry ass up and ship her your way. We'll even make you a package deal with Frankenstein and Check Bouncer. But wait, there's more! If you order now we'll send you Henry Waxman for NO EXTRA CHARGE!

Now that's a deal you can't beat anywhere! LOL!!!!!!!!!

Gledwood said...

sorry the political stuffs going right over my head ...
how ARE YOU?
long time no see
sorry i've been out of circulation a bit...
bad housing troubles
HOPEFULLY getting sorted now
Hope you're both in good health and spirits
all the best

"vol 2" ...

Catmoves said...

Welcome back ladies. I'm afraid (?) I've gotta disagree with you about impeaching Dubya. Consider that our real president would have to come out from under cover and take over the job!

Anonymous said...

Mostly good blog piece here, but really, I didn't need that last bit of imagery in my mind now not to go away. Ack!