Monday, May 28, 2007

Poll from the Verge

I have a question....

I noticed that we have quite a bit of traffic from dial up connections as well as dsl and broadband. I was concerned about the slow loading of our page due to the leopard background behind the page (it only showed in the narrow border since I expanded to 3 columns). I recently removed that background and I am wondering:

Does our blog load faster for you now?

Thanks for your input... and watch for my entry later this week about my need for extreme Hairapy!



RUTH said...

It loaded really quickly for me and I've been having problems all day getting anyones to load!

Shameless Agitator said...

For various reasons, I’ve had to go under the radar for a while. Please email me for the password if you'd like to keep reading.


Bart said...

It's loading faster for me, and I'm always on some sort of cable connection.

TomCat said...

It was much quicker, but with DSL, it wasn't that bad before.

Unknown said...

Seemed faster to me. I have the DSL at work and it was sluggish (we can only get the slower DSL speed).

Mauigirl said...

Yes, even on broadband it was a bit quicker.

two crows said...

hey, L--
I have cable but, even so, it's faster than it used to be.