Monday, June 11, 2007

Tyra Banks, Worst Role Model... Ever

In April, Tyra Banks was photographed on a beach. She was wearing a swimsuit and had *gasp* cellulite. Tabloid headlines screamed that the supermodel had gained weight. The unflattering pics were splattered across every cover in the checkout aisle. Did Tyra just take it? Nope.

Tyra went public with her weight: 165 lbs. She orchestrated her own onslaught of tabloid covers with a more flattering picture of herself in a swimsuit. She dedicated an episode of her talk show to feeling good about yourself, regardless of weight. Tyra and her "So What?" campaign were champions of women. Great, right?

6 weeks later Tyra was again on magazine covers. This time the headlines screeched: "How Tyra Got Slim!" and "Tyra sheds 30 pounds in 6 weeks!" She is in a green bikini and grinning. Apparently she didn't listen to her own message about feeling good about yourself. Apparently that was all spin. Apparently, although we don't put a whole lot of stock in what she says anyway, we shouldn't bother to listen at all now.

Way to be a role model, Tyra.



RUTH said...

We've had "celebs" doing exactly the same thing...what sort of message is it to the young women of today. My grandaughter has girls at her school suffering from anorexia...all because of the "pressure" put on them with the message "Slim is beautiful"...the problem is slim seems to mean "skinny" nowadays.

Women on the Verge said...

Hollywood is full of anorexic women today. My biggest issue is the hypocritical actions of those who spout off for the sake of publicity that we are beautiful regardless of size, then submit their bodies to rapid weight loss. I hate that...


Jalestra said...

Well, it doesn't help that the entire country is obsessed with weight. When you have this nationwide obsession with being skinny you're going to get more eating disorders. You guys should read Junk Food Science...not to be rude, but the link on newest entry on my blog is just terrifying for what they have planned for our kids...If this really happens eating disorders will be NORMAL.

And anyone else see the interview with ME!ME! Roth when she insisted Jordan should win American Idol because she's fat? Weight is more important than talent and intelligence to many people anymore.

Mark said...

I much prefer the top image...just thought i would mention that!!!!

Cheers Mark

Durward Discussion said...

I just tagged Ethel with the "8 Things I know" Meme. If she decides to do it, this could be fun.

Women on the Verge said...

mark, that's why we like you...
jamie, I'll let ethel know. Hopefully she will emerge from under the pile of school projects soon!

Gledwood said...

hasn't she got a job being the next oprah and everything? or am i getting my wires crossed ..?

Gledwood said...

how's it going with yous... i hope all's ok

all the best


Anonymous said...

Seriously anyone who even thinks anything on the Tyra show is worthwhile has issues. She talks about be yourself, then like the article says - tries to fit in. If you ever see her she tries to act like the person she is talking to. I really would think the world would be a better place if we didn't have the Banks show because girls wouldn't care about physical appearances where Trya swears that she doesn't care about *rolls eyes* ...

Anonymous said...

tyra is a rolemodel.
ppl need to get over themselves.
just because sombody wants to get in shape doesnt mean they are obsessed with their appearance.

Anonymous said...

Nice post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

Anonymous said...

Well I acquiesce in but I think the list inform should have more info then it has.