Friday, April 27, 2007


Suddenly it's all begun to make sense to me how Dubya could have managed to ignore all those warnings of a possible attack...



Deb said...

Oh my God, that is priceless. What a clown.

Jalestra said...

Ethel, thank you so much for your comment, but after much frustration and discussion with the school (Texas is NOT gifted friendly) I finally pieced out what has happened, what I can do and what is necessary. Some great help was given to me by the Texas Association of Gifted and TAlented, and they steered me right. She cannot have a proper IQ test done now, she's too old, but Duke University does help somewhat in their talent searches. If you'd like the information you can email me ( and I'd be happy to share what I've found. But, no worries, when you quit trying to go through the school, information just flies out of the woodwork lol

TomCat said...

Hi Ethel. I trust you know that the Bush photo is edited. He has aides who CAN read to put the book in his hands facing the right way.

Anonymous said...


I'm glad you've gotten some help. It certainly can be extremely frustrating, especially when you see your child suffering. Any info you'd like to share would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Oh bother... and I thought I'd had it all figured out too...


Catmoves said...

OK, I checked out that info for our Dubya and I found the fault! Whoever wrote that had no idea how to use an abominable semi-colon! Ha! I think that qualifies it as a hoax. :)

Michael Bains said...

Tomcat nailed it! lol!

Pursey Tuttweiler said...

Supposedly Harriet Miers read the infamous memo to him so she probably peppered it with things like, "You and Laura are the greatest," and "bin Laden thinks you are the coolest President EVER!!!!"

Women on the Verge said...

michael b-

tomcat usually does :-)

catmoves and pursey-

Well worth having to clean my morning cup of tea off my computer screen... I tip my hat to you both!!