Monday, January 29, 2007

Lindsay for President???????

Move over Santa Claus, the children of the world are singing the praises of a new guy in town, Judge Sam Lindsay of the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas. What has this man done to deserve this outpouring of love and gratitude? In a decision that is both stupendous and stupefying, Judge Lindsay has effectively made the case that research papers, card catalogs, and perhaps even libraries, should be illegal. No more lengthy writing projects that require facts that can be cited…no way to even find the facts. How has Judge Lindsay accomplished this? In a January 9th decision Judge Lindsay determined that “deep-linking”, a practice in which an individual provides a link to another individual’s internet site, constitutes copyright infringement . That’s right, directing people to a site that might be of interest, or merely providing a reference, is illegal in the judge’s eyes.

I’m sure our government will be issuing a statement praising the judge’s intellectual prowess and outstanding sense of morality … heck, we may even have a new candidate for 2008.


two crows said...

I WANT people to link to my site. it increases my readership!
meanwhile -- all knowledge sharing should be illegal?
so, ferinstance, I can't tell you about a book I like and think you might enjoy because I can be hauled off to jail???
is there some other world I can escape to? please?
hey women--
about talking physics --
would you go to my profile and click on the email link? that way we can talk about that stuff privately.
unless, acourse, you're afraid you might get arrested for clicking the link. . . .

TomCat said...

Hmmmm..... Now we know who is the next judge Chimpy ChickenHawk will nominate to the Supreme Court. :-S

Women on the Verge said...

Apparently The Register doesn't like deep linking either since it's made it impossible for me to link to the article... if you click on the link I provided and go to the home page you can search "Judge bans deep linking" and read the article...

two crows-- that was my first thought about this too...maybe book clubs will go onto the FBI's "most wanted" list next???...
re: physics- I'll do it today :)


Yikes... I didn't think of that possibility... a lifetime position... I think I'm going to be ill :(

Anonymous said...

Great movie clip! I wonder, was this this the type of speach some of the Commanding Generals recieved after speaking out against the war...

Praise to the judge, I sure hope he isn't using the internet to find case studies that he needs further research on. Oh wait, what am I thinking, he probably bought the rights!!! Things that make you go Hmmm...